Geography of Sakhoi.

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Sakhoi - The Geography
Situated on the banks of the river Gomati, hamaara gaon is nestled between the two arms where the river bends.
The road from Jaunpur has been recently paved, allowing for soot smoking traffic to tarnish the serenity of the old life.  Of course it is easy for me to say, as I saw the old dusty dirt path in a romantic light, but for my fellow gaon-walle's still resident in sakhoi, the road must be a boon.

Select the link in Wikimapia to see the village as it is today:

The river has been life, and it has also been the bane of Sakhoi life. The soil has become increasingly sandy and calcified. A lot of the land has become banjar due to the advancement of elephant grass (sarpat) into the aerable land. The decimation of the mango orchards has weakened the river banks, thereby encouraging erosion. Major chunks of the bank get sliced away each year. Sakhoi, unfortunately, is receding.

For those of us who 'escaped'  the village, but now long for an idealic life long since lost, we have a responsibility to be involved in the overall development. Members from some of the Yadava community have returned from Mumbai, and invested their weath in building better houses and creating infrastructure to manage sewage and run-offs. There has also been minor investment in the temple of the Kuldevi Maa Samogra. But all those who believe in this form of Mahishasur Mardini.. Think...How much has she contributed to your well being. Think.. and Do..