The truth of the swastika.

The swastika is an ancient hindu symbol that denotes a greater spiritual meaning than the physical form itself.

Other pervasive symbols include: the Aum and the 3rd eye
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Swastika - A Hindu Perspective

An ancient Hindu religious symbol. In every house and in every temple, this pervasive symbol exists, either painted in red, embossed in gold or dangling on a golden necklace.
The Swastika signifies the 'chakra' of the universe and everything in it, where there is no beginning.. and no end.

Reincarnation or the Big-Bang. It is everywhere.

Hindu's around the world. Stand up proud of the symbol we hold close to our hearts. By the grace of Maa Samogra, we are blessed to have such a rich heritage.

(Note: The painting shown above was rendered by Arvind on the 13th of November 2005 - It is titled "the reemergence of the Swastika" - The image may be reproduced and reprints purchased for purely 'Hindu' activities only by request to